Monday, October 31, 2011

nie cite zaman p ramlee

di sebalik smile and smirk..
kami terpaksa menapak beberapa kali ke cf gara- gara plug bilik tak boleh digunekan. *sigh*
"ini dah termasuk tujuh kali kau tau jebat!" (hiperbola)

"mau ditindih dengan batu bata semalaman baju untuk clas esok" ;)

"minum air sejuk telaga nampaknya arini"

lintas langsung dr cf.. huhu

Monday, October 24, 2011


long time no see..

i want a caffeine patch~~~

"hi mr nicotine patch. do you happen to know a relative of yours by the name of mr caffeine patch? ohh it seems like he's a loooonngg distant relative. i see. but if you ever get the chance to meet him, could you tell him to come over?"

:) nothing much

take care,